今日から資料館で「閑谷学校資料館 閑谷学校創学三五〇年記念企画展 閑谷学校の教育史 ―教科書から望む教えと伝統―」と題した企画展を5月17日(日)まで開催します。江戸時代から昭和の戦時中までの閑谷学校で使われたと思われる教材を中心に36点の史料を展示しています。来館の際にはぜひご覧ください。
We, the history museum present you the special exhibition from today to May 17th(Sun) as follows.
Title: The history of Education for the 350th anniversary of the foundation of Shizutani School.
Sub title: Teachings or tradition that the text books tell us.
Mainly 36 kinds of teaching materials that might had been used from Edo era to World War ll are exhibited as historical sources.
We heartily would like you drop in the history museum on the occasion of your visit to Shizutani School.